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Flo Take off the Mask
Ashley Costume Party (Marie Antoinette).
Flora Circular Archival 51
Medieval Plague Dr.
Ira Costume Party (Plague Dr.)
Ira One.January
Kira Support Group
Harriet as Ziggy Stardust
Harriet Costume Party (Ziggy Stardust)
Ira and Flo Piazzale
Harriet and Ira One.January
Harriet Intro Medical Ctr.
Harriet and Matthew
Matthew Inro Medical Ctr.
Harriet and Flo Launderette
Flo Lauderette
Harriet and Emma One. January
Dr. Kapoor Intro Medical Ctr.
Flora Circular Archival 180
Matthew and Ira Stranglers
Flora Circular Archival 201
Flo Wyndham Istanbul
Flora Circular Archival 199
Flo Shed
Flo Intro Shed
Flo and Ira Tunnel
Flo Arno
Flo Flie A Deux thru Funeral
Flo as Florence Nightingale
Flo Costume Party (Florence Nigtingale).
Flo Arno 2
Support Group
Flo and Ashley Support Group
Ashley Support Group
Antoinette back view
Antoinette and Ira 2

Flora Circular by Thom May

UT New Theatre Flora Circular | Written by Thom May | Directed by Jess Shoemaker | Scenic: Roxy Mojica | Costumes: Aaron Kubacak | Lighting: Kendra Wiley | Media: Mingxiang Ya | Props: Taylor Travis | Cast: Khali Sykes, Augustus Wheeler, William Hahn, Savannah Cole, Lauren Weik, Henry Wheatley Rutner, Saige Larmer, Keila Yaseli Gonzalez | Photos by Lawrence Peart courtesy of The University of Texas at Austin | Makeup: Laynie McClelland | Additional Makeup and Wigs: Tara Cooper | Crafts: Tanya Olalde | Drapers: Joseph Harrington and Sarah Aldridge

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